Being a Lighthouse in the Dark

I know what it’s like to feel lost in the dark. And I really know what it’s like to be disconnected from yourself and your purpose. This kind of disconnection happens slowly over time as we hunker down into protective behaviors, hustle for approval, and ultimately, abandon our true selves.

If you’re like me, you’ve likely looked towards outside things to fill this gap of disconnection. And if you are like me you have had some big stressors thrown at you which makes you wonder “why in the world does God think I am a badass?” And yet, you discover that you are a badass and surrounded by a divine Grace.

My hot-mess, broken-wide open journey includes: being grateful for a parenting journey that is part-joy-part-hazard-pay, healing from breast cancer, being a caretaker for my husband who passed from Alzheimers, and accepting my powerlessness in the face of addiction. I learned I could let these parts of my journey ruin me or change me.

And so, I chose to lean in, commit to chasing slow, and dig deeper into self-discovery so I can feel God and experience, firsthand, the invisible hands that are at work on me and in my life.

When we humans face our grief, accept our fear, surrender control, and do hard things, something transformative happens. We come to believe that grace sits at the table with us. And everything becomes clearer in many aspects of our lives.

It is through my awakening process I have become better able to effectively serve individuals, executives, and organizations around the globe as they awaken to connection, heal themselves, and courageously lead both at work and home.

Leading Differently
Karen J. Hardwick's back, who is sitting on a bench, looking at a lake.
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